
Showing posts from July, 2018

Almost Met a Moose: Backpacking Sentier Les Caps

   Each summer, our family vacation centers on spending time in a national or state park which has been set aside because someone (or a group of people) knew there was something special about the land. So we've got to check it out! This summer we traveled to Quebec province, in particular the areas of Lac Saint Jean and Saguenay River three hours north of Quebec City. The Saguenay River is well known for its breathtaking fjords and beluga whales. Much land along the Saguenay is protected by two parks, Parc Marin du Saguenay-Saint-Laurent and Parc National du Fjord-Du-Saguenay, which is managed by Sepaq .     After this trip, I fell even more in love with Canada's parks. Three years ago, we spent two weeks in Nova Scotia at Cape Breton, Kemjikujik and Five Islands. The Canadian government and its citizens treasure their land and have invested many tax dollars to conserve it and provide excellent recreational resources. For example, trails are well maintained with good s