A Year Later, He's Still Not My...

Dear B & V,

... President.

This weekend marks one year since Donald Trump was sworn in as President of the United States and millions of men, women and children gathered around the world to protest his presidency and empower women's political engagement. As I think back, I experienced a range of emotions starting on November 8, 2016 through January 2017: anticipation to elect the first female president, disappointment, despair, anger, frustration, betrayal, hope, sense of community, rage, and a continued questioning of who I am.

One year later, I admit I resigned myself to fluctuating feelings of hopelessness and disgust. Both have elicited a desire for a silent world free from news and my internal voice that lashes out (maybe this is why I've hiked so much this year - the silence of the trail has been so peaceful). It is that internal voice that is going public before I retreat back into hopeless isolation. Therefore, my disgusted, Gen X, privileged, white woman voice has filled my head for more than a year and now fills this page.

I will never call Donald Trump, President Tr...., because he is not my President. Yes, I am a "bleeding heart liberal" but that is beside the point because I'm enraged by Trump's inhumanity. Even though I never supported George W. Bush, I did title him President Bush due to a respect for his personhood. I can not bestow the title "President" to Donald Trump.

I am ashamed that the man leading our country is a racist,...
This man began the birther movement to discredit a man and the legitimacy of his presidency. This man  called African countries, Haiti and El Salvado "Shithole" countries. This man called for a ban on Muslims entering our country.

...a misogynist,...
This man has sexually harassed more than a dozen women, has paid off his infidelities, and made publicly lewd comments about grabbing women's pussies.

...a bully,...
He demeans, name calls, yells at, and threatens people who do not agree with him, see his point-of-view or are disloyal to him.

...and is the epitome of meism. It is all about the Donald. He is the most important person. As long as he looks good in spite of the carnage he leaves that's his only importance. Being in the White House is a giant ego boast to fulfill his need for self-gratification. He does not "Make America Great Again" when his only concern is "Donald".

You both are in the prime of your childhood, leading to adulthood, in which you are absorbing all that you see and hear. You father and I try our best to answer your questions and provide an ethical perspective of our current leader during our dinner table conversations. While we can and should be disgusted, angry, and frustrated by our leader's choices, it has also been difficult to contain the frustration and anger we feel towards people who voted for Trump.

In order for democracy to be successful, as citizens, we must have differences of opinion. These differences should create compromise which result in better outcomes. In a democracy, it is important to listen to different opinions without judgement, pretext and a self-interest to cutoff and persuade thinking. Holding our tongue isn't effortless but essential for active listening and understanding another's opposite thoughts. It is easy to "other" differences from ourselves but essential not to dive in that rabbit hole of demeaning people. We can try to understand why millions of people voted Donald Trump into office but we can never fully understand because we don't live their stories. However, this understanding may not stop our feelings of frustration and anger.

However, our (my) greatest rage should (is) be directed at Donald Trump for the choices he has and is currently making that affect you, your friends, and your generational community who will solve the problems of his legacy. Most importantly, I'm appalled for you that he is the example of a human being that is leading our country.

I love you,
