Finding Joy Through EDM and Hiking

Dear B & V,

Joy is not the same as happiness but many similarities exist between the two. I think of happiness as a sustained feeling, while joy is more momentary. Sustaining happiness throughout life is difficult but finding much joy can create happiness. Happiness rides a roller coaster, at times the coaster is struggling up hill and happiness feels out of reach. Then, the coaster reaches the crest, the view is spectacular and the ride downhill is thrilling - joy inducing.

Joy makes me smile. Sometimes joy creates spontaneous laughter that makes my checks hurt and my belly ache. Joy makes my body feel light, often like wearing the most soft and fluffy slippers. It heightens my senses, like a thousand receptors feeling, seeing, smelling and hearing. It makes me feel bold and strong, like a female champion arm wrestler. In essence, joy makes me feel alive, like all my neurons are sparkling with electrical impulses.

Joy is a gift whether created by oneself or shared between people. Some know how to produce joy for themselves and don't rely on others. For decades, I needed people to feel joy. While my interactions with family and friends create much joy today; I've learned how to find it for myself through hiking and EDM, electronic dance music. They create an unusual and juxtaposed combination. However in my mind, the two share commonalities:

Above & Beyond
  • Sensation. The tempo, beat and bass of EDM fills my ears and vibrates through my body. When at a rave, the lights and people exaggerate the sensory input. While hiking is a more quiet experience, nature fills my senses with: shapes and colors, sounds identifiable and not, the solid ground beneath my feet, the sun on my face, the wind against my skin and the smell of birth or decomposition. With both, my mind and body receive sensory input and stimulation.
  • Movement. I move and feel my body which makes me feel inhibited, free and strong.
  • Community. EDM and outdoor enthusiasts respectively share a community through passion for and a loyalty to preserve and sustain each.
Parc National Fjord-du-Saguenay
These commonalities between each have a shared outcome. For me, both EDM and hiking produce adrenaline and endorphins; natural drugs within the body that induce joy and make me feel alive. Being alive is worth living. Creating joy is a gift.

Love & Peace,
