Making It Up As I Go Along

Dear B & V,

How many times have people asked you...

       "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

My answer was always, "I want to be a Marine Biologist". I gave this same answer from elementary school until graduating from high school. As you know, I am not a Marine Biologist nor was I ever. However this childhood passion for the ocean fueled something deeper in me (more on that in another post).

I'm halfway through my career; one that has not been linear but similar to when glass splinters. It has traveled in multiple directions. Some people have a vision for their career with clear goals and drive to stick with their map. Some others choose a career, become very comfortable and stay in it for their whole life. Neither have been my professional journey. I have made mine up as I've gone along with life.

I'm not afraid of change. I like and see it as a growth opportunity to learn. For the past 25 years, I have been open to possibility whether I've sought it or it has sought me. Recently, I was interviewed by Lauren Laitin, Founder & CEO of Parachute Coaching, to discuss my varied career path and claiming my expertise in this career. Lauren's questions gave me the space to reflect upon my professional journey and be okay with the the last 25 years - never being resentful or disappointed for what could have been. Instead, I choose gratitude for my professional story.

I don't know what the future holds for me professionally but as I mentioned to Lauren, I am open to all possibilities.

Love & peace,
