My Two Favorite Days Each Year

Dear B & V,

I just realized that I have two favorite days each year - the first day of school and the first day of summer. The first day of summer is also one of your favorites because school is over. The beginning of school is more of an ugh for you. I don't blame you; I felt similarly when I was your age. However as I reflect, I wish I hadn't.! For those similar to my age, we would be singing the Heinz ketchup commercial right now. However, I digress. Anticipation is why I love the first day of summer and the first day of school. So many possibilities on the road ahead.

Starting in August, I get excited for what experiences the new school year will bring. Who are the new 6th graders? How did the rising seventh and eigth graders morph over the summer? What will I learn to be a better teacher? What obstacles will I overcome? How will my relationships change? Who will I get to know better through leading outdoor trips or in the name of stewardship? How will I grow as a person? There is great anticipation in my head and heart leading up to the first day of school. Anticipation breeds excitement. After twenty years of teaching, I know I'm still in the right profession due to this anticipation.

Teachers work hard. You observe many of yours and me exert a lot time and energy to our profession - the time spent at my desk after dinner most nights and usually on Sundays. I work this hard because giving my best is the only way it's okay for me. I'm less likely to have a conversation in my head to second guess my methods. Don't get me wrong I still do, but usually when I think of a better way or a new idea.

By June though, my brain is tired. Has this happened to you? I don't know how you feel but I am mentally drained, like my battery is dead. When this occurs, I can't add any more information to longterm memory and my frontal cortex can't process, organize or think about thinking. The only cure is mental rest, particularly getting outdoors with you.
Mesa Arch, Canyonlands National Park
Anticipation hits me after Memorial Day. I daydream about our summer: our family vacations, new places to visit, playing outdoors, lazy mornings, local field trips, and just hanging out at home. By the end of May, we've planned our family vacations and I can't wait for our outdoor adventures. We've had so many great ones since you were little - oh, the places we've gone. Because I work so hard during the school year and thus spend less time with you; I'm excited with anticipation about spending a lot of time with you.

I have many more first days of school ahead of me but soon the first days of summer won't be the same. You'll transition to the next journey in life. I'll be a part of it but not the same as the first eighteen years of your life. I think I'll still love the first day of summer but it will be different because I'll be creating my own adventures. Hopefully though, you'll want to occasionally come along.

Tomorrow is the first day of school, today and beyond I celebrate the possibilities for you, my students and me.

Love & Peace,
